Monday, April 2, 2012

Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2012: Power of Bystanders

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.  It is 30 days of statistics, facts, and events all for helping people take notice of sexual assault.  1 in 3 girls by the age of 18; 1 in 6 boys by the age of 18:  those are some frightening numbers.  Sexual Assault Awareness Month isn’t meant to scare people though; it’s to get them to act.  Awareness is the first step of prevention.  Only when you know there’s a problem can you take steps to fix it.  So what can we do?

Whether we know it or not, each and every one of us is a crucial part in preventing sexual assault.  Each and every one of us is in the important role of bystander.  We have the power to change attitudes and prevent rape with everyone we meet.

Sexual assault begins with attitudes.  It’s born from sexual harassment, sexism, and bullying.  We’ve all seen and heard them, whether as a joke, a comment, or a prank.  These are the chances each of us has to prevent sexual assault.  We can intervene by:
  •         Changing the conversation
  •         Talk to the person to let them know they’re being offensive
  •         Talk to others to help you talk to the person
  •         Talk to those offended to let them know you support them
Many times we’re afraid to get involved because we don’t want to be out there alone, but if you talk to others you will find there are many other people who feel just like you.  When you step forward, it will help them stand up as well.  When you intervene, you will help to make the world free of sexual assault.

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