Monday, March 26, 2012

Can Introverts Be Heard in a World of Loud Voices?

Introverts get kind of a bad rap.  They're stereotyped into being shy, timid opposites of the bold, courageous extroverts of the world.  They're often seen as followers, the worker bees of the hive waiting to follow the direction of extrovert leaders.  However, quiet does not mean inactive.

When engaging a group in discussion, the introverts and extroverts are instantly identified.  The extroverts often take over the discussion, eager to share their opinions and what they "know" the answer is, even arguing with your opinion differs from their own.  I prod and dig, getting them to explore their ideas and critically examine their thought process.  But what I always find interesting is what I find in the quiet introverts.  After a long, sometimes heated debate, I'll hear a soft voice offering a well-thought idea.  You see as the introverts sat quietly listening to the debate, they were also thinking.

There is something to be said for extroverts as well.  If someone was a complete introvert they wouldn't be able to share their carefully examined ideas with anyone else.  Extroverts are the ones who can draw people together and be willing to go out and explore on their own.

Wondering where you fit on the spectrum?  Try this quiz and see where you place.  Take the time to look at your strengths, whether as an introvert or an extrovert, and how you can use them.  Also, it never hurts to see how you can be more like the other side.  Learn more about the power of introverts from Susan Cain in the video below.


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